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SSH: Create a Session in XShell

In this article, we will show you how to create a session in Xshell. 1) Open XShell 2) Click the new Session icon 3) Enter the name you would like to call this session and the server host 4) Click OK From here, you may now connect to the session […]

SSH: Setup and configure the s3cmd tool for Amazon S3

In this article, we will show you how to setup and configure the s3cmd tool for Amazon S3. For this article, you will need SSH access to your account. 1) Login to your account using your preferred SSH client. 2) Lets make a folder so we can download all the files we […]

SSH: Create a Symbolic Link

Below are the steps required to create a symbolic link. A symbolic link allows you to make a shortcut of sorts enabling you to point to files located elsewhere on your hosting account. For example, you can host files for an add-on domain outside of the public_html folder, then create a symbolic […]

Permissions Overview

CHMOD (Change Mode) is the file permission system used by UNIX based servers which Site5 uses. The permissions appear as a set of 3 numbers in a row. In order of appearance, the numbers represent user, group, and other’s access level. Without going into too much detail, here are some […]

PuTTY: How to change the bell style and settings

A terminal bell is a sort of notification produced by an SSH server when some things happen or appear, such as an error message or global announcement By default, PuTTY will use the Windows system ding whenever it’s told to signal a bell. This can sometimes be annoying, especially if […]

PuTTY: How to change PuTTY’s appearance

If you’re going to be using PuTTY a lot, you’ll probably want to customize its appearance to what you like best. PuTTY has a number of settings that allow you to do this 1) Once you have PuTTY open, load a session from the menu 2) Then, go to Appearance […]

PuTTY: How to increase the scroll buffer size

You may have noticed that PuTTY does not allow you to scroll up very far This can become annoying when running programs that have lots of output you might need to scroll through and review Let’s look at an example We have already logged in to one of our saved […]

PuTTY: How to copy and paste to and from a PuTTY window

It may not be obvious to you, but it is possible to copy and paste to and from a PuTTY window. This tutorial will show you how to do that Copying and pasting in PuTTY is very easy, but different from the way it’s done in most other programs 1) You’ll […]

PuTTY: How to load, save or delete server connection settings

This tutorial assumes you have already downloaded PuTTY and located its .exe Now let’s learn how to load, save or delete server connection settings 1) Double click the PuTTY icon to launch the application 2) First let’s learn how to save connection settings 3) Type the server IP address here 4) Type a […]

PuTTY: How to start Putty in a maximized window

This tutorial assumes you have located PuTTY, and starts from your desktop Now let’s learn how to start Putty “maximized” so the command line window is as large as possibe 1) Right click the PuTTY icon 2) Then click Properties 3) Once the Properties window is open, be sure the […]

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