In this article, we are going to show you how to use the built in FTP function inside of Adobe Dreamweaver. For this article, you will need the login credentials for your hosting account. 1) Open Dreamweaver 2) Go to the Sites menu and click New Site 3) Enter the […]
Below we have listed the locations of the most common server scripts/binarys. FLVTool2 /usr/bin/flvtool2 Mplayer /usr/bin/mplayer Mencoder /usr/bin/mencoder PHP 5.3 /usr/local/php53/bin/php PHP 5.4 /usr/local/php54/bin/php PHP 5.5 /usr/local/php55/bin/php Perl /usr/local/bin/perl Curl /usr/bin/curl Libjpeg / Jpegtran /usr/bin/jpegtran Ghostscript /usr/lib/ghostscript Drush /usr/local/bin/drush Python /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python2.4 /usr/local/bin/python2.6 /usr/local/bin/python3.0 pdftotext /usr/bin/pdftotext ImageMagick /usr/bin/convert MP4Box /usr/bin/MP4Box Bash […]
Creating a New SVN Repository If you have not already done so, this section will show you how to create a fresh SVN repository and how to setup the initial directory structure (trunk/branches/tags). First, create a private folder (outside of public_html or www): cd ~ mkdir svn Create the repository: […]
This tutorial will show you how to create a new GIT repository on your Site5 account. GIT is an alternative to Subversion (SVN) and is a great way to manage a code repository or project you’re working on. GIT is installed by default on all of our shared, reseller, VPS, […]
Your absolute path, which you may need for some scripts or blogging engines is: /home/yourusername/public_html/ Your user name is the base user name for your account, and is most likely the first eight letters of your main domain name, since that is the automatic default.