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Ruby: How to setup a custom RubyGems environment

…ow we changed things. source ~/.bash_profile 3. If you run the “which rails” command it will show you the location of the Rails binary you are now using: # which rails /home/USERNAME/.gems/bin/rails 4. You will also see that you are now using the latest version of Rails when you check a “rails -v” from the command line: # rails -v Rails 3.1.0…

Installing Gems Using Bundler

…Gemfile should look something similar to the below (don’t worry if it’s slightly different): source ‘’ gem ‘rails‘, ‘3.1.0’ # Bundle edge Rails instead: # gem ‘rails‘, :git => ‘git://’ gem ‘mysql2’ gem ‘json’ # Gems used only for assets and not required # in production environments by default. group :assets do gem ‘sass-rails‘, ” ~> 3.1.0″ gem ‘coffee-rails‘, “~>; 3.1.0” gem ‘uglifier’ end…

Ruby: Run a PHP application from within a Rails sub-folder

In certain situations, you may want to run a PHP application (like WordPress) from within a sub-folder that has a rails application installed above it. This can be accomplished by using a htaccess file in the sub-folder where the PHP application is to be installed. These instructions require SSH access, so we’re assuming a basic familiarity with the command line and a text editor (nano, vim, emacs, etc) 1) First, navigate to the…

SiteAdmin: Ruby on Rails Info Page

…So you have a Ruby on Rails (RoR) application and you wish to know what version of the RoR service we are running on our shared hosting servers? You can easily access this information right from within your SiteAdmin panel. This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to SiteAdmin 1) Click the Programming Center button from the left-hand menu, then click Ruby on Rails That’s it!  …

Web Hosting: What are PHP, Perl, Python, and Ruby on Rails?

…r cgi-bin). What language is used to code web software doesn’t really matter, as long as your web host supports the language. In addition to PHP and Perl, many hosts are starting to offer support for Python and Ruby on Rails. From a security standpoint, poorly coded PHP can potentially be a nightmare for any server admin or website owner. There are many security flaws in PHP that a hacker can exploit, and those are only worsened when a PHP…

SiteAdmin Overview

…rs Raw Access Logs Error Log Security Password Protect Directories IP Ban Manager SSH/Shell Access Hotlink Protection Leech Protect Domains Subdomains Addon Domains Parked Domains Redirects Simple DNS Zone Editor Advanced DNS Zone Editor Databases Manage Databases & Users Create Database / Manage Users phpMyAdmin Remote MySQL Software/Services Perl Info/Modules PHP Configuration Server Info Ruby On Rails Info Python Info Web Apps Server Info…

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